Source code for datawig.imputer

# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License
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DataWig Imputer:
Imputes missing values in tables


import glob
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import pickle
import time
from typing import Any, List, Tuple

import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
from mxnet.callback import save_checkpoint
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from . import calibration
from .column_encoders import (CategoricalEncoder, ColumnEncoder,
                              NumericalEncoder, TfIdfEncoder)
from .evaluation import evaluate_and_persist_metrics
from .iterators import ImputerIterDf, INSTANCE_WEIGHT_COLUMN
from .mxnet_input_symbols import Featurizer
from .utils import (AccuracyMetric, ColumnOverwriteException,
                    LogMetricCallBack, MeanSymbol, get_context, logger,
                    merge_dicts, random_split, timing, log_formatter)
from logging import FileHandler

[docs]class Imputer: """ Imputer model based on deep learning trained with MxNet Given a data frame with string columns, a model is trained to predict observed values in one or more column using values observed in other columns. The model can then be used to impute missing values. :param data_encoders: list of datawig.mxnet_input_symbol.ColumnEncoders, output_column name must match field_name of data_featurizers :param data_featurizers: list of Featurizer; :param label_encoders: list of CategoricalEncoder or NumericalEncoder :param output_path: path to store model and metrics """ def __init__(self, data_encoders: List[ColumnEncoder], data_featurizers: List[Featurizer], label_encoders: List[ColumnEncoder], output_path="") -> None: self.ctx = None self.module = None self.data_encoders = data_encoders self.batch_size = 16 self.data_featurizers = data_featurizers self.label_encoders = label_encoders self.final_fc_hidden_units = [] self.train_losses = None self.test_losses = None self.training_time = 0. self.calibration_temperature = None self.precision_recall_curves = {} self.calibration_info = {} self.__class_patterns = None # explainability only works for Categorical and Tfidf inputs with a single categorical output column self.is_explainable = np.any([isinstance(encoder, CategoricalEncoder) or isinstance(encoder, TfIdfEncoder) for encoder in self.data_encoders]) and \ (len(self.label_encoders) == 1) and \ (isinstance(self.label_encoders[0], CategoricalEncoder)) if len(self.data_featurizers) != len(self.data_encoders): raise ValueError("Argument Number of data_featurizers ({}) \ must match number of data_encoders ({})".format(len(self.data_encoders), len(self.data_featurizers))) for encoder in self.data_encoders: encoder_type = type(encoder) if not issubclass(encoder_type, ColumnEncoder): raise ValueError("Arguments passed as data_encoder must be valid " + "datawig.column_encoders.ColumnEncoder, was {}".format( encoder_type)) for encoder in self.label_encoders: encoder_type = type(encoder) if encoder_type not in [CategoricalEncoder, NumericalEncoder]: raise ValueError("Arguments passed as label_columns must be \ datawig.column_encoders.CategoricalEncoder or NumericalEncoder, \ was {}".format(encoder_type)) encoder_outputs = [encoder.output_column for encoder in self.data_encoders] for featurizer in self.data_featurizers: featurizer_type = type(featurizer) if not issubclass(featurizer_type, Featurizer): raise ValueError("Arguments passed as data_featurizers must be valid \ datawig.mxnet_input_symbols.Featurizer type, \ was {}".format(featurizer_type)) if featurizer.field_name not in encoder_outputs: raise ValueError( "List of encoder outputs [{}] does not contain featurizer input for {}".format( ", ".join(encoder_outputs), featurizer_type)) # TODO: check whether encoder type matches requirements of featurizer # collect names of data and label columns input_col_names = [c.field_name for c in self.data_featurizers] label_col_names = list(itertools.chain(*[c.input_columns for c in self.label_encoders])) if len(set(input_col_names).intersection(set(label_col_names))) != 0: raise ValueError("cannot train with label columns that are in the input") # if there is no output directory provided, try to write to current dir if (output_path == '') or (not output_path): output_path = '.' self.output_path = output_path # if there was no output dir provided, name it to the label (-list) fitted if self.output_path == ".": label_names = [c.output_column.lower().replace(" ", "_") for c in self.label_encoders] self.output_path = "-".join(label_names) if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): os.makedirs(self.output_path) self.__attach_log_filehandler(filename=os.path.join(self.output_path, 'imputer.log')) self.module_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, "model") self.metrics_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, "fit-test-metrics.json") def __attach_log_filehandler(self, filename: str, level: str = "INFO") -> None: """ Modifies global logger object and attaches filehandler :param filename: path to logfile :param level: logging level """ if os.access(os.path.dirname(filename), os.W_OK): file_handler = FileHandler(filename, mode='a') file_handler.setLevel(level) file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) else: logger.warning("Could not attach file log handler, {} is not writable.".format(filename)) def __close_filehandlers(self) -> None: """Function to close connection with log file.""" handlers = logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: handler.close() logger.removeHandler(handler) def __check_data(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Checks some aspects of data quality, currently just the label distribution Currently checked are: - label overlap in training and test data if these requirements are not met a warning is raised. TODO: more data quality checks; note that in order to avoid unneccessary passes through data, some warnings are raised in, too. """ for col_enc in self.label_encoders: if not col_enc.is_fitted(): logger.warning( "Data encoder {} for columns {} is not fitted yet, cannot check data".format( type(col_enc), ", ".join(col_enc.input_columns))) elif isinstance(col_enc, CategoricalEncoder): values_not_in_test_set = set(col_enc.token_to_idx.keys()) - \ set(data_frame[col_enc.input_columns[0]].unique()) if len(values_not_in_test_set) > 0: logger.warning( "Test set does not contain any ocurrences of values [{}] in column [{}], " "consider using a more representative test set.".format( ", ".join(values_not_in_test_set), col_enc.input_columns[0]))
[docs] def fit(self, train_df: pd.DataFrame, test_df: pd.DataFrame = None, ctx: mx.context = get_context(), learning_rate: float = 1e-3, num_epochs: int = 100, patience: int = 3, test_split: float = .1, weight_decay: float = 0., batch_size: int = 16, final_fc_hidden_units: List[int] = None, calibrate: bool = True): """ Trains and stores imputer model :param train_df: training data as dataframe :param test_df: test data as dataframe; if not provided, [test_split] % of the training data are used as test data :param ctx: List of mxnet contexts (if no gpu's available, defaults to [mx.cpu()]) User can also pass in a list gpus to be used, ex. [mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(2), mx.gpu(4)] :param learning_rate: learning rate for stochastic gradient descent (default 1e-4) :param num_epochs: maximal number of training epochs (default 100) :param patience: used for early stopping; after [patience] epochs with no improvement, training is stopped. (default 3) :param test_split: if no test_df is provided this is the ratio of test data to be held separate for determining model convergence :param weight_decay: regularizer (default 0) :param batch_size: default 16 :param final_fc_hidden_units: list of dimensions for the final fully connected layer. :param calibrate: whether to calibrate predictions :return: trained imputer model """ if final_fc_hidden_units is None: final_fc_hidden_units = [] # make sure the output directory is writable assert os.access(self.output_path, os.W_OK), "Cannot write to directory {}".format( self.output_path) self.batch_size = batch_size self.final_fc_hidden_units = final_fc_hidden_units self.ctx = ctx logger.debug('Using [{}] as the context for training'.format(ctx)) if (train_df is None) or (not isinstance(train_df, pd.core.frame.DataFrame)): raise ValueError("Need a non-empty DataFrame for fitting Imputer model") if test_df is None: train_df, test_df = random_split(train_df, [1.0 - test_split, test_split]) iter_train, iter_test = self.__build_iterators(train_df, test_df, test_split) self.__check_data(test_df) # to make consecutive calls to .fit() continue where the previous call finished if self.module is None: self.module = self.__build_module(iter_train) self.__fit_module(iter_train, iter_test, learning_rate, num_epochs, patience, weight_decay) # Check whether calibration is needed, if so ompute and set internal parameter # for temperature scaling that is supplied to self.__predict_mxnet_iter() if calibrate is True: self.calibrate(iter_test) _, metrics = self.__transform_and_compute_metrics_mxnet_iter(iter_test, metrics_path=self.metrics_path) for att, att_metric in metrics.items(): if isinstance(att_metric, dict) and ('precision_recall_curves' in att_metric): self.precision_recall_curves[att] = att_metric['precision_recall_curves'] self.__prune_models() if self.is_explainable: self.__persist_class_prototypes(iter_train, train_df) self.__close_filehandlers() return self
def __persist_class_prototypes(self, iter_train, train_df): """ Save mean feature pattern as self.__class_patterns for each label_encoder, for each label, for each data encoder, given by the projection of the feature matrix (items by ngrams/categories) onto the softmax outputs (items by labels). self.__class_patterns is a list of tuples of the form (column_encoder, feature-label-correlation-matrix). """ if len(self.label_encoders) > 1: logger.warning('Persisting class prototypes works only for a single output column. ' 'Choosing ' + str(self.label_encoders[0].output_column) + '.') label_name = self.label_encoders[0].output_column iter_train.reset() p = self.__predict_mxnet_iter(iter_train)[label_name] # class probabilities for every item (items x labels) # center and whiten the class probabilities p_normalized = StandardScaler().fit_transform(p) # Generate list of data encoders, with features suitable for explanation. Only TfIDf and Categorical supported. explainable_data_encoders = [] explainable_data_encoders_idx = [] for encoder_idx, encoder in enumerate(self.data_encoders): if not (isinstance(encoder, TfIdfEncoder) or isinstance(encoder, CategoricalEncoder)): logger.warning("Data encoder type {} incompatible for explaining classes".format(type(encoder))) else: explainable_data_encoders.append(encoder) explainable_data_encoders_idx.append(encoder_idx) # encoded representations of training data ([items x features] for every encoded column.) X = [enc.transform(train_df).transpose() for enc in explainable_data_encoders] # whiten the feature matrix. Centering is not supported for sparse matrices. # Doesn't do anything for categorical data where the shape is (1, num_items) X_scaled = [StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit_transform(feature_matrix) for feature_matrix in X] # compute correlation between features and labels class_patterns = [] for feature_matrix_scaled, encoder in zip(X_scaled, explainable_data_encoders): if isinstance(encoder, TfIdfEncoder): # project features onto labels and sum across items # We need to limit the columns of feature matrix scaled, such that its number modulo batch size is zero. # See also .start_padding in class_patterns.append((encoder, feature_matrix_scaled[:, :p_normalized.shape[0]].dot(p_normalized))) elif isinstance(encoder, CategoricalEncoder): # compute mean class output for all input labels class_patterns.append((encoder, np.array( [np.sum(p_normalized[np.where(feature_matrix_scaled[0, :] == category)[0], :], axis=0) for category in encoder.idx_to_token.keys()]))) else: logger.warning("column encoder not supported for explain.") self.__class_patterns = class_patterns def __get_label_encoder(self, label_column: str = None): """ Given the name of an output column return the corresponding column encoder. Default to first available :param label_column: column name for which to return encoder. :return: column_encoder """ if label_column is not None: label_encoders = [enc for enc in self.label_encoders if enc.output_column == label_column] if len(label_encoders) == 0: raise ValueError("Could not find label column") else: label_encoder = label_encoders[0] else: label_encoder = self.label_encoders[0] return label_encoder
[docs] def explain(self, label: str, k: int = 10, label_column: str = None) -> dict: """ Return dictionary with a list of tuples for each explainable input column. Each tuple denotes one of the top k features with highest correlation to the label. :param label: label value to explain :param k: number of explanations for each input encoder to return. If not given, return top 10 explanations. :param label_column: name of label column to be explained (optional, defaults to the first available column.) """ if not self.is_explainable: raise ValueError("No explainable data encoders available.") label_encoder = self.__get_label_encoder(label_column) # Check whether to-be-explained label value exists. if label not in label_encoder.token_to_idx.keys(): raise ValueError("Specified label {} not observed in label encoder".format(label)) # assign index of label value (there can be an additional label column for "unobserved" label. label_idx = label_encoder.token_to_idx[label] # for each data encoder extract (token_idx, token_idx_correlation_with_label), extract and apply idx2token map. feature_dict = dict(explained_label = label) for encoder, pattern in self.__class_patterns: # extract idx2token mappings if isinstance(encoder, CategoricalEncoder): idx_tuples = zip(pattern[:, label_idx].argsort()[::-1][:k], sorted(pattern[:, label_idx])[::-1][:k]) keymap = {i+1: i for i in range(len(encoder.idx_to_token))} idx2token_temp = dict((keymap[key], val) for key, val in encoder.idx_to_token.items()) if isinstance(encoder, TfIdfEncoder): idx_tuples = zip(pattern[:, label_idx].argsort()[::-1][:k], sorted(pattern[:, label_idx])[::-1][:k]) idx2token_temp = encoder.idx_to_token feature_dict[encoder.output_column] = [(idx2token_temp[token], weight) for token, weight in idx_tuples] return feature_dict
[docs] def explain_instance(self, instance: pd.core.series.Series, k: int = 10, label_column: str = None, label: str = None) -> dict: """ Return dictionary with list of tuples for each explainable input column of the given instance. Each entry shows the most highly correlated features to the given label (or the top predicted label of not provided). :param instance: row of data frame (or dictionary) :param k: number of explanations (ngrams) for text inputs :param label_column: name of label column to be explained (optional) :param label: explain why instance is classified as label, otherwise explain top-label per input """ if not self.is_explainable: raise ValueError("No explainable data encoders available.") label_encoder = self.__get_label_encoder(label_column) # determine label wrt which to compute correlations, default is global top prediction if label is None: df_temp = pd.DataFrame([list(instance.values)], columns=list(instance.index)) label = self.predict(df_temp)[label_encoder.output_column + '_imputed'].values[0] else: assert label in label_encoder.token_to_idx.keys() top_label_idx = label_encoder.token_to_idx[label] # encode instance columns feature_dict = dict(explained_label = label) for encoder, pattern in self.__class_patterns: output_col = encoder.output_column feature_dict[output_col] = {} for input_col in encoder.input_columns: token = instance[input_col] # token = instance[encoder.input_columns] # original input if isinstance(encoder, TfIdfEncoder): input_encoded = encoder.vectorizer.transform([token]).todense() # encode projection = # project input onto prototypes feature_weights = np.multiply(pattern[:, top_label_idx], input_encoded) # correlation of label/feature ordered_feature_idx = np.argsort(np.multiply(pattern[:, top_label_idx], input_encoded)) ordered_feature_idx = ordered_feature_idx.tolist()[0][::-1] feature_dict[output_col] = \ [(encoder.idx_to_token[idx], feature_weights[0, idx]) for idx in ordered_feature_idx[:k]] elif isinstance(encoder, CategoricalEncoder): input_encoded = encoder.token_to_idx[token] - 1 # starts counting at 1 class_weights = pattern[input_encoded] # correlation of input class with output classes # top_class_idx = np.argmax(class_weights) top_class = label_encoder.idx_to_token[top_label_idx] top_class_weight = pattern[input_encoded, top_label_idx] feature_dict[output_col] = [(token, top_class_weight)] return feature_dict
def __fit_module(self, iter_train: ImputerIterDf, iter_test: ImputerIterDf, learning_rate: float, num_epochs: int, patience: int, weight_decay: float) -> None: """ Trains the mxnet module :param learning_rate: learning rate of sgd :param num_epochs: maximal number of training epochs :param patience: early stopping :param weight_decay: regularizer """ metric_name = 'cross-entropy' train_cb = LogMetricCallBack([metric_name]) test_cb = LogMetricCallBack([metric_name], patience=patience) def checkpoint(epoch, sym, arg, aux): save_checkpoint(self.module_path, epoch, sym, arg, aux) start = time.time() cross_entropy_metric = MeanSymbol(metric_name) accuracy_metrics = [ AccuracyMetric(name=label_col.output_column, label_index=i) for i, label_col in enumerate(self.label_encoders) ] combined_metric = mx.metric.CompositeEvalMetric( metrics=[cross_entropy_metric] + accuracy_metrics) with timing("fit model"): try: train_data=iter_train, eval_data=iter_test, eval_metric=combined_metric, num_epoch=num_epochs, initializer=mx.init.Xavier(factor_type="in", magnitude=2.34), optimizer='adam', optimizer_params=(('learning_rate', learning_rate), ('wd', weight_decay)), batch_end_callback=[mx.callback.Speedometer(iter_train.batch_size, int(np.ceil([0][1].shape[0] / iter_train.batch_size / 2)), auto_reset=True)], eval_end_callback=[test_cb, train_cb], epoch_end_callback=checkpoint ) except StopIteration: # catch the StopIteration exception thrown when early stopping condition is reached # this is ugly but the only way to use module api and have early stopping logger.debug("Stopping training, patience reached") pass self.training_time = time.time() - start self.train_losses, self.test_losses = train_cb.metrics[metric_name], test_cb.metrics[ metric_name] def __build_module(self, iter_train: ImputerIterDf) -> mx.mod.Module: mod = _MXNetModule(self.ctx, self.label_encoders, self.data_featurizers, self.final_fc_hidden_units) return mod(iter_train) def __build_iterators(self, train_df: pd.DataFrame, test_df: pd.DataFrame, test_split: float) -> Tuple[ImputerIterDf, ImputerIterDf]: """ Builds iterators from data frame :param train_df: training data as pandas DataFrame :param test_df: test data, can be None :param test_split: test data split, used if test_df is None :return: train and test iterators for mxnet model """ # if this is a pandas df if not isinstance(train_df, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Only pandas data frames are supported") if (test_df is not None) & (not isinstance(test_df, pd.core.frame.DataFrame)): raise ValueError("Only pandas data frames are supported") input_col_names = [c.field_name for c in self.data_featurizers] label_col_names = list(itertools.chain(*[c.input_columns for c in self.label_encoders])) missing_columns = set(input_col_names + label_col_names) - set(train_df.columns) if len(missing_columns) > 0: ValueError("Training DataFrame does not contain required column {}".format(missing_columns)) for encoder in self.label_encoders: if not encoder.is_fitted(): encoder_type = type(encoder) logger.debug("Fitting label encoder {} on {} rows \ of training data".format(encoder_type, len(train_df))) # discard all rows which contain labels that will not be learned/predicted train_df = self.__drop_missing_labels(train_df, how='all') # if there is no test data set provided, split one off the training data if test_df is None: train_df, test_df = random_split(train_df, [1.0 - test_split, test_split]) test_df = self.__drop_missing_labels(test_df, how='all') logger.debug("Train: {}, Test: {}".format(len(train_df), len(test_df))) for encoder in self.data_encoders: if not encoder.is_fitted(): encoder_type = type(encoder) logger.debug( "Fitting data encoder {} on columns {} and {} rows of training data with parameters {}".format( encoder_type, ", ".join(encoder.input_columns), len(train_df), encoder.__dict__)) logger.debug("Building Train Iterator with {} elements".format(len(train_df))) iter_train = ImputerIterDf( data_frame=train_df, data_columns=self.data_encoders, label_columns=self.label_encoders, batch_size=self.batch_size ) logger.debug("Building Test Iterator with {} elements".format(len(test_df))) iter_test = ImputerIterDf( data_frame=test_df, data_columns=iter_train.data_columns, label_columns=iter_train.label_columns, batch_size=self.batch_size ) return iter_train, iter_test def __transform_mxnet_iter(self, mxnet_iter: ImputerIterDf) -> dict: """ Imputes values given an mxnet iterator (see iterators) :param mxnet_iter: iterator, see ImputerIter in :return: dict of {'column_name': list} where list contains the string predictions """ labels, model_outputs = zip(*self.__predict_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter).items()) predictions = {} for col_enc, label, model_output in zip(mxnet_iter.label_columns, labels, model_outputs): if isinstance(col_enc, CategoricalEncoder): predictions[label] = col_enc.decode(pd.Series(model_output.argmax(axis=1))) elif isinstance(col_enc, NumericalEncoder): predictions[label] = model_output return predictions @staticmethod def __filter_predictions(predictions: list, precision_threshold: float) -> dict: """ Filter predictions such that all items with precision below threshold are disregarded. :param predictions: list of lists with a single tuple with predictions and their softmax score :param precision_threshold: threshold below which predictions are disregarded. :return: filtered predictions: list of predictions that above the threshold. """ filtered_predictions = [] for prediction in predictions: if prediction[0][1] > precision_threshold: filtered_predictions.append(prediction[0]) else: filtered_predictions.append(()) return filtered_predictions def __predict_above_precision_mxnet_iter(self, mxnet_iter: ImputerIterDf, precision_threshold: float = 0.95) -> dict: """ Imputes values only if predictions are above certain precision threshold, determined on test set during fit :param mxnet_iter: iterator, see ImputerIter in :param precision_threshold: don't predict if predicted class probability is below this precision threshold :return: dict of {'column_name': array}, array is a numpy array of shape samples-by-labels """ predictions = self.__predict_top_k_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter, top_k=1) for col_enc, att in zip(self.label_encoders, predictions.keys()): if isinstance(col_enc, CategoricalEncoder): predictions[att] = self.__filter_predictions(predictions[att], precision_threshold) else: logger.debug("Precision filtering only for CategoricalEncoder returning \ {} unfiltered".format(att)) predictions[att] = predictions[att] return predictions def __predict_mxnet_iter(self, mxnet_iter): """ Returns the probabilities for each class :param mxnet_iter: iterator, see ImputerIter in :return: dict of {'column_name': array}, array is a numpy array of shape samples-by-labels """ if not self.module.for_training: self.module.bind(data_shapes=mxnet_iter.provide_data, label_shapes=mxnet_iter.provide_label) # FIXME: truncation to [:mxnet_iter.start_padding_idx] because of having to set last_batch_handle to discard. # truncating bottom rows for each output module while preserving all the columns mod_output = [o.asnumpy()[:mxnet_iter.start_padding_idx, :] for o in self.module.predict(mxnet_iter)[1:]] output = {} for label_encoder, pred in zip(mxnet_iter.label_columns, mod_output): if isinstance(label_encoder, NumericalEncoder): output[label_encoder.output_column] = label_encoder.decode(pred) else: # apply temperature scaling calibration if a temperature was fit. if self.calibration_temperature is not None: pred = calibration.calibrate(pred, self.calibration_temperature) output[label_encoder.output_column] = pred return output def __predict_top_k_mxnet_iter(self, mxnet_iter, top_k=5): """ For categorical outputs, returns tuples of (label, probability) for the top_k most likely predicted classes For numerical outputs, returns just prediction :param mxnet_iter: iterator, see ImputerIter in :return: dict of {'column_name': list} where list is a list of (label, probability) tuples or numerical values """ col_enc_att_probas = zip(mxnet_iter.label_columns, *zip(*self.__predict_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter).items())) top_k_predictions = {} for col_enc, att, probas in col_enc_att_probas: if isinstance(col_enc, CategoricalEncoder): top_k_predictions[att] = [] for pred in probas: top_k_pred_idx = pred.argsort()[-top_k:][::-1] label_proba_tuples = [(col_enc.decode_token(idx), pred[idx]) for idx in top_k_pred_idx] top_k_predictions[att].append(label_proba_tuples) else: logger.debug( "Top-k only for CategoricalEncoder, dropping {}, {}".format(att, type(col_enc))) top_k_predictions[att] = probas return top_k_predictions def __transform_and_compute_metrics_mxnet_iter(self, mxnet_iter: ImputerIterDf, metrics_path: str = None) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """ Returns predictions and metrics (average and per class) :param mxnet_iter: :param metrics_path: if not None and exists, metrics are serialized as json to this path. :return: predictions and metrics """ # get thresholded predictions for predictions and standard metrics mxnet_iter.reset() all_predictions = self.__transform_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter) # reset iterator, compute probabilistic outputs for all classes for precision/recall curves mxnet_iter.reset() all_predictions_proba = self.__predict_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter) mxnet_iter.reset() true_labels_idx_array = mx.nd.concat( *[mx.nd.concat(*[l for l in b.label], dim=1) for b in mxnet_iter], dim=0 ) true_labels_string = {} true_labels_idx = {} predictions_categorical = {} predictions_categorical_proba = {} predictions_numerical = {} true_labels_numerical = {} for l_idx, col_enc in enumerate(mxnet_iter.label_columns): # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index n_predictions = len(all_predictions[col_enc.output_column]) if isinstance(col_enc, CategoricalEncoder): predictions_categorical[col_enc.output_column] = all_predictions[ col_enc.output_column] predictions_categorical_proba[col_enc.output_column] = all_predictions_proba[ col_enc.output_column] attribute = col_enc.output_column true_labels_idx[attribute] = true_labels_idx_array[:n_predictions, l_idx].asnumpy() true_labels_string[attribute] = [col_enc.decode_token(idx) for idx in true_labels_idx[attribute]] elif isinstance(col_enc, NumericalEncoder): true_labels_numerical[col_enc.output_column] = \ true_labels_idx_array[:n_predictions, l_idx].asnumpy() predictions_numerical[col_enc.output_column] = \ all_predictions[col_enc.output_column] metrics = evaluate_and_persist_metrics(true_labels_string, true_labels_idx, predictions_categorical, predictions_categorical_proba, metrics_path, None, true_labels_numerical, predictions_numerical) return merge_dicts(predictions_categorical, predictions_numerical), metrics
[docs] def transform(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Imputes values given an mxnet iterator (see iterators) :param data_frame: pandas data frame (pandas) :return: dict of {'column_name': list} where list contains the string predictions """ mxnet_iter = self.__mxnet_iter_from_df(data_frame) return self.__transform_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter)
[docs] def predict(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, precision_threshold: float = 0.0, imputation_suffix: str = "_imputed", score_suffix: str = "_imputed_proba", inplace: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Computes imputations for numerical or categorical values For categorical imputations, most likely values are imputed if values are above a certain precision threshold computed on the validation set Precision is calculated as part of the `datawig.evaluate_and_persist_metrics` function. For numerical imputations, no thresholding is applied. Returns original dataframe with imputations and respective likelihoods as estimated by imputation model in additional columns; names of imputation columns are that of the label suffixed with `imputation_suffix`, names of respective likelihood columns are suffixed with `score_suffix` :param data_frame: pandas data_frame :param precision_threshold: double between 0 and 1 indicating precision threshold for each imputation :param imputation_suffix: suffix for imputation columns :param score_suffix: suffix for imputation score columns :param inplace: add column with imputed values and column with confidence scores to data_frame, returns the modified object (True). Create copy of data_frame with additional columns, leave input unmodified (False). :return: dataframe with imputations and their likelihoods in additional columns """ if not inplace: data_frame = data_frame.copy() numerical_outputs = list( itertools.chain( *[c.input_columns for c in self.label_encoders if isinstance(c, NumericalEncoder)])) predictions = self.predict_above_precision(data_frame, precision_threshold).items() for label, imputations in predictions: imputation_col = label + imputation_suffix if imputation_col in data_frame.columns: raise ColumnOverwriteException( "DataFrame contains column {}; remove column and try again".format( imputation_col)) if label not in numerical_outputs: imputation_proba_col = label + score_suffix if imputation_proba_col in data_frame.columns: raise ColumnOverwriteException( "DataFrame contains column {}; remove column and try again".format( imputation_proba_col)) imputed_values, imputed_value_scores = [], [] for imputation_above_precision_threshold in imputations: if not imputation_above_precision_threshold: imputed_value, imputed_value_score = "", np.nan else: imputed_value, imputed_value_score = imputation_above_precision_threshold imputed_values.append(imputed_value) imputed_value_scores.append(imputed_value_score) data_frame[imputation_col] = imputed_values data_frame[imputation_proba_col] = imputed_value_scores elif label in numerical_outputs: data_frame[imputation_col] = imputations return data_frame
[docs] def predict_proba(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Returns the probabilities for each class :param data_frame: data frame :return: dict of {'column_name': array}, array is a numpy array of shape samples-by-labels """ mxnet_iter = self.__mxnet_iter_from_df(data_frame) return self.__predict_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter)
[docs] def predict_above_precision(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, precision_threshold=0.95) -> dict: """ Returns the probabilities for each class, filtering out predictions below the precision threshold. :param data_frame: data frame :param precision_threshold: don't predict if predicted class probability is below this precision threshold :return: dict of {'column_name': array}, array is a numpy array of shape samples-by-labels """ mxnet_iter = self.__mxnet_iter_from_df(data_frame) return self.__predict_above_precision_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter, precision_threshold=precision_threshold)
[docs] def predict_proba_top_k(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, top_k: int = 5) -> dict: """ Returns tuples of (label, probability) for the top_k most likely predicted classes :param data_frame: pandas data frame :param top_k: number of most likely predictions to return :return: dict of {'column_name': list} where list is a list of (label, probability) tuples """ mxnet_iter = self.__mxnet_iter_from_df(data_frame) return self.__predict_top_k_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter, top_k)
[docs] def transform_and_compute_metrics(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, metrics_path=None) -> dict: """ Returns predictions and metrics (average and per class) :param data_frame: data frame :param metrics_path: if not None and exists, metrics are serialized as json to this path. :return: """ for col_enc in self.label_encoders: if col_enc.input_columns[0] not in data_frame.columns: raise ValueError( "Cannot compute metrics: Label Column {} not found in \ input DataFrame with columns {}".format(col_enc.output_column, ", ".join(data_frame.columns))) mxnet_iter = self.__mxnet_iter_from_df(data_frame) return self.__transform_and_compute_metrics_mxnet_iter(mxnet_iter, metrics_path=metrics_path)
def __drop_missing_labels(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, how='all') -> pd.DataFrame: """ Drops rows of data frame that contain missing labels :param data_frame: pandas data frame :param how: ['all', 'any'] whether to drop rows if all labels are missing or if just any label is missing :return: pandas DataFrame """ n_samples = len(data_frame) missing_idx = -1 for col_enc in self.label_encoders: if isinstance(col_enc, CategoricalEncoder): # for CategoricalEncoders, exclude rows that are either nan or not in the # token_to_idx mapping col_missing_idx = data_frame[col_enc.input_columns[0]].isna() | \ ~data_frame[col_enc.input_columns[0]].isin( col_enc.token_to_idx.keys()) elif isinstance(col_enc, NumericalEncoder): # for NumericalEncoders, exclude rows that are nan col_missing_idx = data_frame[col_enc.input_columns[0]].isna() logger.debug("Detected {} rows with missing labels \ for column {}".format(col_missing_idx.sum(), col_enc.input_columns[0])) if missing_idx == -1: missing_idx = col_missing_idx elif how == 'all': missing_idx = missing_idx & col_missing_idx elif how == 'any': missing_idx = missing_idx | col_missing_idx logger.debug("Dropping {}/{} rows".format(missing_idx.sum(), n_samples)) return data_frame.loc[~missing_idx, :] def __prune_models(self): """ Removes all suboptimal models from output directory """ best_model = glob.glob(self.module_path + "*{}.params".format(self.__get_best_epoch())) logger.debug("Keeping {}".format(best_model[0])) worse_models = set(glob.glob(self.module_path + "*.params")) - set(best_model) # remove worse models for worse_epoch in worse_models: logger.debug("Deleting {}".format(worse_epoch)) os.remove(worse_epoch) def __get_best_epoch(self): """ Retrieves the best epoch, i.e. the minimum of the test_losses :return: best epoch """ return sorted(enumerate(self.test_losses), key=lambda x: x[1])[0][0]
[docs] def save(self): """ Saves model to disk, except mxnet module which is stored separately during fit """ # save all params but the mxnet module params = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != 'module'} pickle.dump(params, open(os.path.join(self.output_path, "imputer.pickle"), "wb"))
[docs] @staticmethod def load(output_path: str) -> Any: """ Loads model from output path :param output_path: output_path field of trained Imputer model :return: imputer model """ logger.debug("Output path for loading Imputer {}".format(output_path)) params = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(output_path, "imputer.pickle"), "rb")) imputer_signature = inspect.getfullargspec(Imputer.__init__)[0] # get constructor args constructor_args = {p: params[p] for p in imputer_signature if p != 'self'} non_constructor_args = {p: params[p] for p in params.keys() if p not in ['self'] + list(constructor_args.keys())} # use all relevant fields to instantiate Imputer imputer = Imputer(**constructor_args) # then set all other args for arg, value in non_constructor_args.items(): setattr(imputer, arg, value) # the module path must be updated when loading the Imputer, too imputer.module_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'model') imputer.output_path = output_path # make sure that the context for this deserialized model is available ctx = get_context() logger.debug("Loading mxnet model from {}".format(imputer.module_path)) # for categorical outputs, instance weight is added if isinstance(imputer.label_encoders[0], NumericalEncoder): data_names = [s.field_name for s in imputer.data_featurizers] else: data_names = [s.field_name for s in imputer.data_featurizers] + [INSTANCE_WEIGHT_COLUMN] # deserialize mxnet module imputer.module = mx.module.Module.load( imputer.module_path, imputer.__get_best_epoch(), context=ctx, data_names=data_names, label_names=[s.output_column for s in imputer.label_encoders] ) return imputer
def __mxnet_iter_from_df(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> ImputerIterDf: """ Transforms dataframe into imputer iterator for mxnet :param data_frame: pandas DataFrame :return: ImputerIterDf """ return ImputerIterDf( data_frame=data_frame, data_columns=self.data_encoders, label_columns=self.label_encoders, batch_size=self.batch_size )
[docs] def calibrate(self, test_iter: ImputerIterDf): """ Cecks model calibration and fits temperature scaling. If the fit improves model calibration, the temperature parameter is assigned as property to self and used for all further predictions in self.predict_mxnet_iter(). Saves calibration information to dictionary. :param test_iter: iterator, see ImputerIter in :return: None """ test_iter.reset() proba = self.__predict_mxnet_iter(test_iter) test_iter.reset() labels = mx.nd.concat(*[mx.nd.concat(*[l for l in b.label], dim=1) for b in test_iter], dim=0) if len(test_iter.label_columns) != 1: logger.warning('Aborting calibration. Can only calibrate one output column.') return output_label = test_iter.label_columns[0].output_column n_labels = proba[output_label].shape[0] scores = proba[output_label] labels = labels.asnumpy().squeeze()[:n_labels] ece_pre = calibration.compute_ece(scores, labels) self.calibration_info['ece_pre'] = ece_pre self.calibration_info['reliability_pre'] = calibration.reliability(scores, labels) logger.debug('Expected calibration error: {:.1f}%'.format(100*ece_pre)) temperature = calibration.fit_temperature(scores, labels) ece_post = calibration.compute_ece(scores, labels, temperature) self.calibration_info['ece_post'] = ece_post logger.debug('Expected calibration error after calibration: {:.1f}%'.format(100*ece_post)) # check whether calibration improves at all and apply if ece_pre - ece_post > 0: self.calibration_info['reliability_post'] = calibration.reliability( calibration.calibrate(scores, temperature), labels) self.calibration_info['ece_post'] = calibration.compute_ece(scores, labels, temperature) self.calibration_temperature = temperature
class _MXNetModule: def __init__( self, ctx: mx.context, label_encoders: List[ColumnEncoder], data_featurizers: List[Featurizer], final_fc_hidden_units: List[int] ): """ Wrapper of internal DataWig MXNet module :param ctx: MXNet execution context :param label_encoders: list of label column encoders :param data_featurizers: list of data featurizers :param final_fc_hidden_units: list of number of hidden parameters """ self.ctx = ctx self.data_featurizers = data_featurizers self.label_encoders = label_encoders self.final_fc_hidden_units = final_fc_hidden_units def __call__(self, iter_train: ImputerIterDf) -> mx.mod.Module: """ Given a training iterator, build MXNet module and return it :param iter_train: Training data iterator :return: mx.mod.Module """ predictions, loss = self.__make_loss() logger.debug("Building output symbols") output_symbols = [] for col_enc, output in zip(self.label_encoders, predictions): output_symbols.append( mx.sym.BlockGrad(output, name="pred-{}".format(col_enc.output_column))) mod = mx.mod.Module( mx.sym.Group([loss] + output_symbols), context=self.ctx, # [name for name, dim in iter_train.provide_data], data_names=[name for name, dim in iter_train.provide_data if name in loss.list_arguments()], label_names=[name for name, dim in iter_train.provide_label] ) if mod.binded is False: mod.bind(data_shapes=[d for d in iter_train.provide_data if in loss.list_arguments()], # iter_train.provide_data, label_shapes=iter_train.provide_label) return mod @staticmethod def __make_categorical_loss(latents: mx.symbol, label_field_name: str, num_labels: int, final_fc_hidden_units: List[int] = None) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ Generate output symbol for categorical loss :param latents: MxNet symbol containing the concantenated latents from all featurizers :param label_field_name: name of the label column :param num_labels: number of labels contained in the label column (for prediction) :param final_fc_hidden_units: list of dimensions for the final fully connected layer. The length of this list corresponds to the number of FC layers, and the contents of the list are integers with corresponding hidden layer size. :return: mxnet symbols for predictions and loss """ fully_connected = None if len(final_fc_hidden_units) == 0: # generate prediction symbol fully_connected = mx.sym.FullyConnected( data=latents, num_hidden=num_labels, name="label_{}".format(label_field_name)) else: layer_size = final_fc_hidden_units with"label_{}".format(label_field_name)): for i, layer in enumerate(layer_size): if i == len(layer_size) - 1: fully_connected = mx.sym.FullyConnected( data=latents, num_hidden=layer) else: latents = mx.sym.FullyConnected( data=latents, num_hidden=layer) instance_weight = mx.sym.Variable(INSTANCE_WEIGHT_COLUMN) pred = mx.sym.softmax(fully_connected) label = mx.sym.Variable(label_field_name) # assign to 0.0 the label values larger than number of classes so that they # do not contribute to the loss logger.debug("Building output of label {} with {} classes \ (including missing class)".format(label, num_labels)) num_labels_vec = label * 0.0 + num_labels indices = mx.sym.broadcast_lesser(label, num_labels_vec) label = label * indices # goes from (batch, 1) to (batch,) as is required for softmax output label = mx.sym.split(label, axis=1, num_outputs=1, squeeze_axis=1) # mask entries when label is 0 (missing value) missing_labels = mx.sym.zeros_like(label) positive_mask = mx.sym.broadcast_greater(label, missing_labels) # compute the cross entropy only when labels are positive cross_entropy = mx.sym.pick(mx.sym.log_softmax(fully_connected), label) * -1 * positive_mask # multiply loss by class weighting cross_entropy = cross_entropy * mx.sym.pick(instance_weight, label) # normalize the cross entropy by the number of positive label num_positive_indices = mx.sym.sum(positive_mask) cross_entropy = mx.sym.broadcast_div(cross_entropy, num_positive_indices + 1.0) # todo because MakeLoss normalize even with normalization='null' argument is used, # we have to multiply by batch_size here batch_size = mx.sym.sum(mx.sym.ones_like(label)) cross_entropy = mx.sym.broadcast_mul(cross_entropy, batch_size) return pred, cross_entropy @staticmethod def __make_numerical_loss(latents: mx.symbol, label_field_name: str) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ Generate output symbol for univariate numeric loss :param latents: :param label_field_name: :return: mxnet symbols for predictions and loss """ # generate prediction symbol pred = mx.sym.FullyConnected( data=latents, num_hidden=1, name="label_{}".format(label_field_name)) target = mx.sym.Variable(label_field_name) # squared loss loss = mx.sym.sum((pred - target) ** 2.0) return pred, loss def __make_loss(self, eps: float = 1e-5) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: logger.debug("Concatenating all {} latent symbols".format(len(self.data_featurizers))) unique_input_field_names = set([feat.field_name for feat in self.data_featurizers]) if len(unique_input_field_names) < len(self.data_featurizers): raise ValueError("Input fields of Featurizers outputs of ColumnEncoders must be unique but \ there were duplicates in {}, consider \ explicitly providing output column names to ColumnEncoders".format(", ".join(unique_input_field_names))) # construct mxnet symbols for the data columns latents = mx.sym.concat(*[f.latent_symbol() for f in self.data_featurizers], dim=1) # build predictions and loss for each single output outputs = [] for output_col in self.label_encoders: if isinstance(output_col, CategoricalEncoder): logger.debug("Constructing categorical loss for column {} and {} labels".format( output_col.output_column, output_col.max_tokens)) outputs.append( self.__make_categorical_loss( latents, output_col.output_column, output_col.max_tokens + 1, self.final_fc_hidden_units ) ) elif isinstance(output_col, NumericalEncoder): logger.debug( "Constructing numerical loss for column {}".format(output_col.output_column)) outputs.append(self.__make_numerical_loss(latents, output_col.output_column)) predictions, losses = zip(*outputs) # compute mean loss for each output mean_batch_losses = [mx.sym.mean(l) + eps for l in losses] # normalize the loss contribution of each label by the mean over the batch normalized_losses = [mx.sym.broadcast_div(l, mean_loss) for l, mean_loss in zip(losses, mean_batch_losses)] # multiply the loss by the mean of all losses of all labels to preserve the gradient norm mean_label_batch_loss = mx.sym.ElementWiseSum(*mean_batch_losses) / float(len(mean_batch_losses)) # normalize batch loss = mx.sym.broadcast_mul( mx.sym.ElementWiseSum(*normalized_losses) / float(len(mean_batch_losses)), mean_label_batch_loss ) loss = mx.sym.MakeLoss(loss, normalization='valid', valid_thresh=1e-6) return predictions, loss